Wedding season – have you considered pre-nuptial agreements?

Wedding season has officially begun and for most people that means finding the perfect outfit or hat, but for our family lawyers, it means only one thing – Pre-nuptial Agreements!

Whilst Pre-Nuptial Agreements are distinctly unromantic, they are becoming more common as many people now marry later in life or are marrying for a second time and have assets they’d like to protect should the relationship break down.

Pre-nuptial agreements are not currently legally enforceable , but having a properly drafted agreement will usually mean it is upheld by the court, removing any later heartache and stress arguing over assets.  

Did you know a Pre-Nuptial Agreement should ideally be executed no later than 28 days before the wedding?

So for anyone getting married in peak wedding season, there really isn’t any time to spare if you are considering a Pre-nup. If you are considering a Pre-nuptial agreement, please get in contact with a member of our family team on 0118 977 4045.

This reflects the law at the date of publication and is written as a general guide. It does not contain definitive legal advice, which should be sought as appropriate in relation to a particular matter.

Sarah Speed
Partner, Family
View profileContact Us

This reflects the law and market position at the date of publication and is written as a general guide. It does not contain definitive legal advice, which should be sought in relation to a specific matter.

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