Cameron Smith

Business Development & Relationship Manager, Marketing

Cameron leads the business development efforts at Herrington Carmichael LLP, working closely with senior partners and teams to achieve the firms’ strategic goals and implement the business development strategy. Connecting people and businesses together to help them to thrive is a part of the role that Cameron relishes.

Cameron previously worked in corporate banking, spending over a decade working with SME clients across the Thames Valley for 2 prominent high street names and retains several close contacts across the industry.

Outside of work, Cameron is kept busy by his family and dog. He enjoys all sport with a keen interest in golf, but his ageing (failing) body means he is now restricted to a watching brief only for contact sport!

Best Law Firms 2024

Herrington Carmichael has once again been named in the Times Best Law Firms. We were first listed in 2023 and have once again made the Best Law Firms list for 2024.

Best Law Firm 2024